New World Giant Turkey Boss Event and Luck Food

Please check the new 2022 edition of the guide.

Today's patch sneakly added a new world boss, [creature_megaturkey]. Killing it gives you [item_massiveturkeylegt5], which is an ingredient needed to craft [recipe_foodconluct5].

Image courtesy of Vezzel from our Discord server

The food gives you a constitution and luck boost based on your level, with level 60 giving you 33 constitution and 5% luck. You can check the bonus for any level you want by going going to the [item_foodconluct5] page.

It's currently unknown how the big guy made its way into the game since there was no mention in today's patch notes. Tosch, a community manager at New World, replied to a post on the forums with a message saying "THE REVENGE OF THE TURKEYS!" so, maybe this is actually the turkeys taking their revenge after Thanksgiving! Not quite sure that was a good idea from the turkeys though...

Players are reporting that the respawn time for [creature_megaturkey] is around 3 hours. Here are some of the locations where you can find it:

MapGenie Link
MapGenie Link
MapGenie Link

For a full list of possible spawn locations, check out our [creature_megaturkey] page.

If you want to see the boss in action, check out Sethphir's recent video.