New World Roadmap & Dev Video
Get excited for the Tempest's Heart Expedition and other new content updates. The group weighs in on the new Blunderbuss weapon, Twitch drops, CS and moderation, your most recent questions, the upcoming roadmap, and more!

Amazon Games Studio just dropped a new Dev Video, diving into the upcoming release, weapons and combat, upcoming events, Customer Service and moderation, and more.
We just got a sneak peak at what the team has on their roadmap.
- Tempest's Heart Expedition
- New Weapon: Blunderbuss
- 3v3 PvP Arenas
- PvP Reward Track
- Barnacles & Black Powder Expedition
- Expedition Group Finder
- Summer Event
- Brimstone Sands Territory
- The Ennead Expedition
- New Weapon: Greatsword
- Leaderboards
- Nightvale Hallow Event
- Turkulon 2022 Event

Dev Video
If you want to watch the full dev video, you can find it below.
I'm personally super excited about the PvP Arenas, been asking and talking about it the whole year! Which additions do you like the most?