New World Twitch Drops - Devs Vs. Creators Stream
Watch 2 hours between May 26 at 8 a.m. PST (3 p.m. UTC) and June 6 at 11 a.m. PST (6 p.m. UTC) to unlock the Combatant’s Supply Chest.

Greetings, Adventurers!
Cheer on some of your favorite New World content creators as they battle our development team in 3v3 Arena matches. Each week different creators and developers will face off in five Arena matches to showcase the new PvP mode. Join any of the participating creators’ Twitch streams for banter with our development team, a Twitch Drop, and strategies to use in your next PvP encounter. Make sure to tune in on May 12th, 19th, and 26th at 11AM PT (6PM UTC) so you don’t miss any of the action.
How to Get the Twitch Drops
Short version, watch Baggins for two hours. Long version, you can get the Combatant’s Supply Chest by watching pretty much any of the New World Twitch Streamers for 2 hours.
Note: After you claimed your drop on Twitch, open the in-game store and open the Item Claim menu on the bottom left side of the store.
Participating Twitch Streamers
Each participating streamer will have drops enabled when the event starts. After the event ends, the drops will be enabled for all New World streamers.
You can collect a total of 3 supply chests, 1 per event. Please note that once the Drop collection window has ended, your progress will not carry over to the next Twitch Drop.
Event #1 - May 12th at 11AM (6PM UTC)
BagginsTV, DannehTV and Redbyrd VS Mike Willette (World Experience Lead), Chris Corey (Designer) and Patrick Smedley (Game Designer).
Event #2 - May 19th at 11AM (6PM UTC)
Katcontii, Techniq and Towelliee VS Dave Verfaillie (Creative Director), Drew Higbee (Senior Product Manager) and Kevin Mesnard (QA).
Event #3 - May 26th at 11AM (6PM UTC)
Note: The final round of the Devs vs Creator event is postponed and will resume on 6/1 @ 11 AM PT (2 PM ET).
Ginger Prime, other two to be announced VS Mike Willette (World Experience Lead), Dave Hall (Gameplay Design Manager) and Zach Holm (Level Designer).
Combatant’s Supply Chest Contents

Each supply chest will have the same contents, listed below. Charge more confidently into the Arena with:
- 2 Vials each containing 1,000 Azoth Salt – Azoth Salt is our new PvP Currency that allows you to purchase PvP exclusive rewards.
- 3 random pieces of exclusive PvP focused gear with higher rarities and PvP centric perks. You can check our Combatant's Supply Cache page to see the possible gear drops.
- 5 Health Potions – these will instantly restore a portion of your health, so don’t enter the arena without them!
- 10 Stat Boosting Food – Come hungry, because the chest will reward you with level appropriate specialty food to boost a specific attribute stat (STR, DEX, INT, FOC, CON). You’ll receive 2 Stat Boosting Food per stat for a total of 10 items.
- 2 Honing Stones – These will boost your weapon damage by a percentage for a period of time to help you dish out major damage.
- 2 Gemstone Dust - This increases your elemental damage absorption by a percentage for a period of time and is very helpful against the mages of Aeternum.
- 2 Oakflesh Balms – This will increases absorption of Physical damage types (Slash/Strike/Thrust) by a percentage for a period of time or a total number of hits are received. Like the name implies, this balm will make you sturdy as an oak in close melee encounters.