New World Transmog FAQ
Transmog is coming to New World on August 21st and the price is revealed.

Greetings, Adventurers!
Show off your favorite skins when Transmog comes to New World on August 21. Downtime will begin at 5AM PT (12:00PM UTC) and last approximately 1 hour. Use consumable Transmog Tokens to capture the appearance of any gear collected in the world and then transform it into a usable skin for your cosmetic collection. How will your aesthetic inspire other players?
We caught up with the Development Team to discuss everything you need to know about the new feature. Read on for a breakdown of how it works.
How Does Transmog Work?
Interact with the Stylemancer NPC in any settlement and select a specific piece of gear to view its Transmog options. Next, you’ll see a thumbnail grid of potential appearances for the slot. This includes both collected skins and entitled skins from Twitch Drops, Prime Gaming Loot, and the in-game Store.
After you’ve acquired an item as loot, the option to capture its appearance will be permanently available from the Stylemancer, even if you salvage, discard, or trade the item. Any items obtained prior to the release of this feature, but no longer owned must be reacquired for the menu to recognize and allow players to Transmog it.

The appearance of almost any weapon, tool, and armor can now be converted into a skin for 1 Transmog Token.
- Transmog Tokens cannot be spent on Twitch Drop, Prime Gaming Loot, Leaderboard reward skins, and in-game Store items since they’re already available as skins. New icons will identify the source of each item for your convenience.
- Some items like Leaderboard reward skins will not appear on the Transmog screen.
- Any item that was in your inventory following the release of Transmog can have its appearance captured, even if you no longer own it.
- Once confirmed, the skin will now appear in the Change Skin menu as a skin option. Transmog skins will be available forever account-wide, regardless of ownership status of the original gear piece.
- You can sort through the menu by Name, Source, Owned vs. Unowned, Captured vs. Uncaptured, Full Sets vs. Partial Sets (includes the option to apply appearances available from the matching set so you can quickly change the entire outfit), and Transmog Factor (Tier).
What Are Transmog Tokens?
Use consumable Transmog Tokens at Transmog Stations to capture the appearance of any item in your inventory. Once an appearance has been captured, it is permanently available as a skin. The captured skin will then appear as an item that can be applied to another skin in the change skin menu.

Each skin capture will cost one Transmog Token. Your current amount of Transmog Tokens will be visible in the menu.
How to Get Transmog Tokens?
Transmog Tokens can be obtained for free through the following methods:
Free Season Pass Rewards Track:
- 1 Transmog Token can be earned at Level 15, Level 50, and Level 100 for a total of 3 Transmog Tokens.
Elite Chests: (1% Drop Chance)
- Transmog Tokens can be earned from Elite Chests once per week.
Transmog Tokens can also be obtained for Marks of Fortune:
Premium Season Pass Rewards Track:
- 1 Transmog Token can be earned at Level 7, Level 18, Level 65, Level 75, and Level 85 for a total of 5 Transmog Tokens.
In-Game Store:
- 1 Transmog Token for 2,500 Marks of Fortune
- 2 Transmog Tokens for 5,000 Marks of Fortune
- 5 Transmog Tokens for 10,000 Marks of Fortune
- 10 Transmog Tokens for 20,000 Marks of Fortune
Please note that Transmog Tokens are not tradable. There is no functional difference between free and paid Tokens.

- You can Transmog from light to heavy or medium armor appearances and vice versa.
- You can only Transmog within the same Weapon type (Muskets can only apply to Muskets, Swords to Swords, etc).
- Transmog only works across the same slot for apparel (head only works with head, chest with chest, etc).
- All Tiers and rarities are eligible for Transmog.

You can use any consumable Dye to change the color of your Transmog skins. The underlying piece of gear and the Transmog version can have different appearances. For example, you can dye a Helmet after changing it’s appearance, but that Helmet will go back to its original color when you remove the Transmog skin.

You will have a shared balance of Transmog Tokens across your account. That means spending a Transmog Token on any character will reduce your total account balance. Customized Transmog skins will also be available account-wide, making your preferred fashion accessible to all of your characters. Your alternate characters do not need the underlying skin to select a Transmog outfit. The custom skin will automatically be available to all of your characters through the change skin menu.
Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.